Eigemann Daily Blog


【Ch.23 Going through hoop】日本人留学生仲間と過ごす日々


(English below)










食事は、寮のカフェテリアの食事があまりに不味すぎて、次第に足が遠のいた。1人で食べるのもうんざりしていたこともある。友達の家でピザを食べたり、前述したHardee'sに夜な夜な留学生たちと集まり、ダベりながら食事をする日々が増えていった。結局、West Chesterで過ごした夏のキャンプの延長のような生活を送っていた。これに関しては、もはや自分の力ではどうにもならないと半ば諦めて受け入れるようになっていた。




The Midwest region, where Indiana is located, is a vast plain, with an endless expanse of trees and hardly any geographic features like mountains. Apart from studying, my life as an exchange student was utterly boring, and during this time, I found myself spending more and more time staring out the window. It was a rural area, and there really wasn't much to do. Finding something to occupy myself was up to me, but I was still mentally immature and not yet independent.


Gradually, I began hanging out with other Japanese students. Most of them had moved out of the dorms early on and rented houses off-campus. I stayed in the dorms until the end, fearing that if I left the school, I would lose my connection with the locals. However, even while living in the dorms, there wasn’t much interaction with local students.


The activities I dedicated the most time to were basketball and billiards. There were basketball hoops at the school gym and various other places, so we could play as much as we wanted. Indiana is a state that is extremely passionate about basketball, and the sport was practically a part of everyday life. As for billiards, I didn’t have to go to bars to play since the school had a game corner (there was actually an arcade on campus), and there were pool tables at nearby bowling alleys as well, so I spent a lot of time playing. I had only dabbled in both basketball and billiards when I was in Japan, but thanks to the time I invested during this period, I became quite skilled.


Most people didn’t have much money, but they had plenty of time, so we spent a lot of it playing sports. The school gym was huge, and the fact that it was available for unlimited use was a big factor. One day, a friend brought a skateboard. Since the places we could skate were limited, we tried it out in an empty spot in the university parking lot. As soon as I stepped on, my feet slipped, and I fell right on my butt. My friend told me, “Skateboarding isn’t for you, you should quit.” That was my first skateboarding experience, but this would later have a significant impact on my lifestyle.


As for food, I gradually stopped eating at the dorm cafeteria because the food was just too awful. I was also tired of eating alone. I spent more time eating pizza at friends’ houses or gathering with other Japanese students at Hardee’s late at night, chatting while we ate. In the end, it felt like an extension of the summer camp I had spent in West Chester. By this point, I had come to accept that this was something beyond my control.


To be continued.


