Eigemann Daily Blog

現在は90年代に自分が米国留学した体験記を書いています。I am currently writing a memoir about my experiences of studying abroad in the U.S. in the 1990s.

【Ch.60 Exploring job opportunities in the U.S】卒業後の就職について考える


(English below)












In the fall of 1997, I returned to Bloomington once again. This was my final semester, and I was determined to secure my degree. By then, I felt it was no longer necessary to live in the dorms, so I moved into an off-campus apartment and started living alone. While cooking for myself became essential, I had already gotten used to it by this time. The only inconvenience was grocery shopping, as I still didn’t own a car.


I didn’t need to take many classes this semester; the only one I needed to retake was the course in which I had received a D the previous term. This gave me a lot of free time, but Jose had already left town. I was able to reunite with T-bone, who was still living in the city, albeit in a different house. However, with Jose gone, I had fewer skating buddies, and my days became quite dull.


At the same time, I began seriously thinking about my future after graduation. I had returned to Japan over the summer to work part-time, but I had serious doubts about becoming a full-time employee at a Japanese company. After living in the U.S. for many years, I realized that my way of thinking had become vastly different from those Japanese who hadn’t spent time abroad. I was deeply uncertain about whether I could return to Japan and work along side with them right after graduation. Later, I learned that people who spend a long time living abroad often find it helpful to experience a different culture before returning home, as it helps them readjust.


While I wasn’t sure how things would turn out, international students who graduate from American universities are eligible to apply for an H-1 visa. This visa allows one year of employment within the U.S. after graduation. I decided to apply for it and successfully obtained it. My plan was to explore job opportunities in the U.S. before immediately returning to Japan. Naturally, I was looking for work in the IT field, but I had no connections in California, the hub of the industry. Around this time, through Jose, I had made connections with Filipino-Americans in NYC, so I started thinking about relying on them to look for work in the New York area.


To be continued.





【Ch.59 Graduation ceremony】卒業に単位が足りないのに卒業式に出席する

- 卒業するが単位のためにもう一セメスター


(English below)


















In the spring of 1997, I finally received the notification for my graduation ceremony from the university. It had been nearly four years since I arrived at IU, so it was naturally time to graduate. However, since my credits from ISU hadn’t been accepted, I was graduating much later than originally planned. When I informed my parents, they said that my sister would be coming to the ceremony with them. They also mentioned they’d be traveling to Canada afterward.


There was, however, one thing that puzzled me. Although I received the graduation notification, I was still taking classes, and depending on the results, I shouldn’t have been able to graduate. While I figured the school had done some sort of calculation to send me the notification, I just couldn’t fully trust it. When I did my own calculation, I realized that unless I got at least a C in my final class, I wouldn’t meet the graduation requirements. I began to worry that this might be one of those cases you hear about in Japan, where someone claims they graduated from an American university but hadn’t actually met the requirements—perhaps they, too, had simply trusted the school’s calculation and attended the ceremony without realizing they didn’t qualify.


My parents arrived in Bloomington the day before the ceremony. While my sister and mother went sightseeing around campus, my father stayed behind in the dorm reading the Nishinippon Newspaper. I couldn’t quite understand why someone would come all the way from Fukuoka, thousands of kilometers away, only to sit and read the Japanese local newspaper. My father spends most of his time at home engrossed in that newspaper, and seeing him do the same here made me feel a mix of exasperation and admiration. Wanting him to see the place where I had struggled for years, I took him to the main building of the dorm, where there was a terminal to check emails. I logged in to check my final grade for the course I was taking, and it was a D.


Panicking, I rushed to meet the professor of the course to confirm the grade in person. He told me the grade was indeed a D. I argued that based on my exam scores, it should have been a C, but the professor remained firm. As a last resort, I appealed to his emotions, explaining that my parents had come all the way to attend my graduation and that I desperately wanted to complete my degree. However, his answer was still a resolute “NO.” Later, when I watched the scene in "Breaking Bad" where Walter White refuses to let a student off the hook, it reminded me of this very moment with the professor.


I quickly informed my parents of the situation. This meant I would have to return for the next semester and get a better grade to graduate. While my parents were clearly disappointed, they didn’t fully understand the intricacies of studying abroad, so they had no choice but to accept what I was saying. Personally, I felt like I was going to be sick.


The graduation ceremony was held at the university’s football stadium. The stadium was about the size of a professional sports arena, so I had no idea where my parents were seated. The graduates sat on the field, listening to speeches from the guests. While I was technically attending the ceremony, knowing I’d be back for another semester took away any sense of accomplishment. I also wondered whether, if I received my diploma here, I would even need to return at all.


And so, my half-hearted and rather confusing graduation ceremony came to an end. I drove my family to the airport for their return flight. I had disappointed myself many times before, but never had I felt disappointment as deeply as I did that day.


To be continued.






【Ch.58 A job fair in Frisco】サンフランシスコでボストンキャリアフォーラムに参加


(English below)
















In 1997, graduation was finally coming clearly into sight. While graduation itself was one goal, I also had to start thinking about getting a job after graduation. However, job hunting in Japan was geographically impossible, and being at a school overseas, I had little access to job information from Japan. If I had connections to help me find a job in the U.S., it would have been different, but I hadn’t done any internships or gained such connections while studying, so I had no real ties to employment in the U.S. either.


For that reason, I decided to participate in the Boston Career Forum, a job-hunting event well-known among Japanese students studying in the U.S. at that time. As the name suggests, it was usually held in Boston, but it was also hosted in other cities across the U.S. Although I’m not sure if it's the same now, at the time, the travel expenses were covered by the organizers. The forum I applied for was being held in San Francisco, and applying was a bit tedious due to its popularity.


I heard that two other Japanese exchange students from my university also received invitations, so the three of us booked a flight and reserved rooms at the same hotel. We arrived in San Francisco the day before and took the opportunity to explore the city. San Francisco was incredibly scenic, with views of mountains even from downtown and the ocean nearby, reminding me somewhat of Japan. It was nothing like the flat landscape of Indiana, and it gave off a strong sense of being abroad. As it was also a popular place for skateboarding, we checked out some of the famous skate spots I’d seen in magazines, though most of them had become "no skateboarding" areas.


On the day of the event, we headed to the forum venue in downtown San Francisco. It was packed with Japanese students from all over the U.S., many of whom were determined to secure a job for after graduation. I hadn’t yet figured out which companies suited me, so I could feel a difference in drive between me and some of the other participants. I spoke with several recruiters, participated in company briefings, and even went through a few interviews. However, I felt that it became obvious fairly quickly that I didn’t have a clear vision for my career yet.


After wrapping up the interviews, I was chatting with my friends when a recruiter from D.T. Corporation approached us. He engaged us in small talk and asked for our impressions of the forum. I got the sense that he was interested in one of the three of us, but it turned out that his interest wasn’t in me but in one of the women in our group. She eventually ended up joining that company. I hadn’t been too interested in the company myself, as I didn’t really understand what they did, but I later found out they were a consulting firm, which probably wouldn’t have been a good fit for me anyway.


In the end, I didn’t gain much from the career forum, but I’m glad I got to visit San Francisco. I wish I’d had more time to explore the city, but right after the forum, we headed straight to the airport and flew back to Indiana. At that time, Japan had already entered the “employment ice age,” and I hadn’t fully realized how tough job hunting would be when I returned. Securing a job during that kind of opportunity was a critical issue that could have greatly impacted my future. If I had landed a job then, I might have continued working in the U.S. and never returned to Japan.


To be continued.






【Ch.57 The best Christmas present】クリスマスをJoseの家族と過ごしてキリスト教の風習を学ぶ


(English below)








今回はあの部屋には泊まらなくて良いということで、クリスマスに行くことに快諾した。Sidneyはいつものように懐いてきたし、Joseのお母さんもクリスマス用のたくさんの料理を準備してくれていた。部屋には大きなクリスマスツリーが飾られ、下にはプレゼントが置かれていた。映画でよく見る光景だが、実物を見るのは初めてだった。夕食を腹いっぱい食べた後、皆でリビングでまったりしていた。なぜかその家にATARI 2600があり、プレイはできなかったが、骨董品なのでどんなゲームがあるのかを探していた。










Since my family has been Buddhist for generations, I knew very little about Christianity, especially Catholicism, until I met the brothers Jose and Jay. One thing that stood out to me was when they’d try to order hamburgers on Fridays, and I would remind them, "Hey, it’s Friday today," and they would respond with, "Oh, right," and then order something like a Filet-O-Fish instead. Jay, in particular, was mindful of this. I found it amusing and started reminding them often, but I also thought, "It must be inconvenient not to be able to eat whatever you want whenever you want."


Jose said that the movie The Exorcist was incredibly scary. Sure, it’s a horror movie, but there are plenty of scarier horror films, and to me, The Exorcist wasn’t particularly frightening, so I found it strange. I couldn’t imagine Jose being so scared, but perhaps the reason for his fear was related to his understanding of the Bible and the existence of demons, which was different from my perspective as a non-Christian.


That Christmas in 1996, I spent it at Jose’s house. It was one of the few Christmases I had experienced since coming to America, but it was the first time I spent it with a friend’s family. Actually, I had stayed over at Jose’s house a few times before Christmas, and during one of those stays, I slept in a bed in the room that had belonged to his grandfather. Although I don’t usually have any sense of the supernatural, I had a strange experience that night. While I was asleep, I suddenly felt as though someone was pulling me upward, and I nearly floated out of the bed. It was so real that I panicked and ran to a nearby linen closet, where I spent the rest of the night. The next morning, Jose burst into the room, startling me again. Apparently, in my rush to the closet, I had broken a window shade. Later, when I asked Gary, who had been sleeping in the same room, he said he had also felt something strange.


This time, I was told I wouldn’t be staying in that room, so I gladly accepted the invitation to spend Christmas with Jose’s family. Sidney, as usual, warmed up to me right away, and Jose’s mother had prepared a large feast for the holiday. The house was decorated with a big Christmas tree, and there were presents placed underneath. It was a scene I had often seen in movies, but this was my first time seeing it in real life. After we stuffed ourselves with dinner, we relaxed in the living room. For some reason, I discovered an Atari 2600 at their house. We couldn’t play it, but it was like a relic, and I spent some time digging through the games they had.


Late at night, Jose suddenly said, "We’re heading out." I wondered where we were going at that hour, and it turned out we were going to church. I had no idea people went to church at such a late hour—I had thought they would go after it turned to the 25th. I wasn’t sure if it was okay for a Buddhist to enter a church, but I was allowed in without any restrictions. Inside, the church was vast and brightly decorated. I had imagined it would be more solemn and dimly lit, but it didn’t feel like a dark fantasy setting at all. The mass began, and the priest started speaking, but I didn’t understand a word of what he was saying. However, I was used to this kind of atmosphere. My mother had been deeply involved in a cult for a time, and as a child, I was frequently made to listen to sermons in large halls. Even though the religion and language were different, I felt there was something universal in the way rituals were conducted and how the congregation responded. One thing that surprised me about the Catholic mass was that strangers would come up and hug you, which felt a bit uncomfortable. Toward the end of the service, Jose asked me what I was going to do while they were going to do some activity for the congregation. I told him that I would wait at the back. I assumed it was the ceremony where they distribute bread and wine.


On Christmas Day, I thought I would have a relaxing day, but it turned out the main event was still ahead. We were going to visit their relatives' houses. Jose and Jay, along with their cousin visited about four houses, while their parents traveled separately. I was already full after the first house, but every house we visited afterward offered large amounts of food, too. Of course, I couldn’t eat any more, and none of us touched much of the food. We were all exhausted and ended up watching a football game. This feast reminded me of New Year’s in Japan, where we visit relatives. Every house was packed with people, and there was always plenty of food and alcohol. There were white and Filipino family members, so I assumed some of their relatives had married outside their race. People kept encouraging us to eat more, but we were all too full and completely drained. I was impressed that they did this every year.


I’m very grateful to Jose and his family for showing me what a real Christmas is like. Without that experience, I would only have known Christmas through movies. I also had the chance to see what a Christmas Eve church service was like, which was a rare opportunity, as I haven’t visited a church since. That experience became the best Christmas present I received that year.


To be continued.






【Ch.56 In the hood】治安は良くないと聞かされていた友達の実家を訪問


(English below)




ある日、友人たちと一緒にFort WayneにあるT-boneの実家を訪ねることになった。彼の実家は治安が悪い場所にあると事前に聞かされていたが、JoseやJeromeも一緒だったので、特に問題ないだろうと思って出発した。田舎道を長い距離車で走りながら、「こんな田舎にゲットーなんてあるのか?」と思った。ゲットーというと、大都市やその周辺のイメージが強かったからだ。








Chrisの家を訪ねたこともある。これは自分がJoseから借りたテープを壊してしまったことがきっかけだった。そのテープはレアなもので、Chrisの実家でしかコピーできなかったので、South BendにあるChrisの実家を訪問することになった。Chrisの家は、以前から向かいの家からレーザーポインターを飛ばされたという話があり、治安が悪い地域にあることはわかっていた。到着した日、Chrisから「今週だけで3件、自宅前の道路で銃撃事件があった」と聞かされた。テープをコピーしたら、すぐにでも帰りたくなった。




Chrisの家では特に危険な出来事はなかったが、シャワー室がなかったことには驚いた。湯船がないのはアメリカでは普通だが、シャワーすらないとは思わなかった。South Bendには素晴らしいインドアスケートパークがあり、昼間にスケートで汗をかいたのでシャワーを浴びたかったが、シャワーはないとのこと。普段どうしているのかと聞くと、地下室に簡易の水浴び場があり、そこで済ませていると言う。使うかと聞かれたが、まだ夜は肌寒い時期だったので水浴びをする気にはなれなかった。この地域の普通がこうならば、他にも色々と自分の生活環境とは違うことがありそうだと思った。






During this time, I often spent time with local Americans, and I rarely found myself accidentally wandering into dangerous areas. There was a story going around on campus about a Japanese exchange student who had gone to Chicago, mistakenly wandered into a dangerous neighborhood, and had a gun pointed at him, forcing him to hand over his money. That story served as a reminder to never let my guard down.


One day, I went with my friends to visit T-bone’s family home in Fort Wayne. I had been warned beforehand that his house was in a rough neighborhood, but since Jose and Jerome were with us, I figured there wouldn’t be any problems, so we set off. As we drove a long way down rural roads, I thought, "Is there really a ghetto out here in the countryside?" I had always associated ghettos with big cities or their outskirts.


When I looked up at the sky, I saw something circling around. At first, I thought it was a bird, but its shape was clearly different. It was a fighter jet, though its movements were far from ordinary. Two jets were twisting and turning in the sky as if playing tag, like birds at play. I was amazed, thinking, "Can planes even fly like that?" Later, I learned that there was an air force base in that region.


When we arrived at T-bone’s house, his mother came out to greet us. She didn’t smile much and didn’t initiate conversation, so I wondered if we weren’t welcomed. Still, she had prepared a meal, and we enjoyed some homemade Mexican food. After dinner, we played basketball at the hoop in the backyard. The area didn’t feel as rough as I had expected, and I was getting bored, so I decided to ride a mountain bike from T-bone’s house around the neighborhood. I quickly noticed that all the neighbors, the people standing around talking, and the people in the houses across the street were all Black, and they were all staring at me—a lone Asian guy riding a bike who had suddenly appeared. A young Black girl stood with her mouth hanging open as she watched me, so I waved at her, but she didn’t react at all.


As I observed the area, I began to notice that the surroundings were indeed different from the neighborhoods I was used to seeing. It reminded me of areas in Philadelphia where I had been told not to go. Then, a man, T-bone’s neighbor, called out to me, saying, "Hey, come here." I asked, "What for?" but he insisted, "Just come here." I glanced at T-bone, who was shaking his head, so I ignored the man and went back inside. When I later asked T-bone about it, he said, "He was probably trying to sell you something shady." I was shocked that someone like that lived next door, and I wondered how T-bone dealt with such a neighbor. Apparently, they hated each other.


I also visited Chris’s house once. This visit stemmed from me accidentally breaking a tape I had borrowed from Jose. It was a rare tape, and the only way to make a copy was at Chris’s house, so we headed to his family home in South Bend. Chris had mentioned before that the house across the street used to shine a laser pointer at them, so I knew it was in a bad neighborhood. The day we arrived, Chris told me, "There were three shootings on this road just this week." As soon as we copied the tape, I was ready to leave.


Chris’s mother was a very friendly white lady. She asked me a lot about Japan, so I spent most of my time there talking to her. Chris’s younger sister also warmed up to me, and I spent some time playing with her. There was quite an age gap between Chris and his sister; she looked like she was in kindergarten or early elementary school. Strangely, whenever I visited my friends’ homes, their kids would often take a liking to me. I guess it was just their natural curiosity about foreigners.


Nothing particularly dangerous happened while I was staying at Chris’s house, but I was surprised to find that they didn’t have a shower. In the U.S., it’s not unusual to not have a bathtub, but to not even have a shower? There was a great indoor skate park in South Bend, and I had spent the day skating and wanted to take a shower afterward, but Chris told me they didn’t have one. When I asked what they normally did, he said there was a simple wash area in the basement that they used. He offered to let me use it, but it was still a bit chilly at night, so I decided not to, fearing I might catch a cold. If this was normal for the area, I figured there must be many other differences from my own living environment.


When I returned to my college dorm, I was glad to have access to a shower and to be able to walk around safely at night. Also, nearly everyone around me was white. Even though I had only been away for a short time, it felt like I had visited a completely different country. It was still the United States, but the extreme contrasts made it feel like a different world. Later, when I moved to a big city, I saw how crossing just one street could completely change the atmosphere of the neighborhood. That’s when I truly understood how America is a place where vastly different environments exist right next to each other.


To be continued.





【Ch.55 Unofficial ambassador】好む好まずに関わらず自国を背負う責務


(English below)


1996年の秋、普段通り寮の本館に立ち寄り、カフェテリアで食事を済ませてから、早々に本館を後にしようとしていた。すると、あまり知らない男が話しかけてきた。「あんた日本人?『Ghost in the Shell』って知ってる?」と聞かれた。知らないと答えると、「知らないのか?日本の映画だぞ」と言われた。何だかわからなかったので、ネットで調べると、それが『攻殻機動隊』というアニメ映画の英題だとわかった。すぐに街にある、インディペンデント映画や海外映画を扱う専門のレンタルビデオ店に行き、『Ghost in the Shell攻殻機動隊』を借りて鑑賞した。日本のアニメは好きだったが、アメリカに滞在してからかなり疎くなっていた。


その年の夏、環太平洋合同演習(RIMPAC)の最中、海上自衛隊護衛艦「ゆうぎり」が、アメリカ海軍空母「インディペンデンス」搭載のA-6艦上攻撃機を誤って撃墜する事故が起きた。当時日本にいなかったため、どれほどのニュースになったのかはわからないが、アメリカではかなり大きく報じられていた。友人のChrisなどは冗談交じりに「Watch your back.(背後に気をつけろよ)」などと言っていた。




実際、このように感じ始めたのは、この年に入ってからではなく、ISUで大学生活を始めた頃からずっとそうだった。例えば、道端で突然「Where are you from?(どこから来たの?)」と知らない人に聞かれることがよくあった。「Japan.(日本だ)」と答えると、「○○を知ってるか?」と定番の質問が返ってくることが多かった。キャンパス内の知り合いなら知っていることもあったが、知らない名前の方が多かった。また、日本の歴史上の人物の名前を挙げられることもあり、なぜ道端でそんなクイズを受けないといけないのかと感じることもしばしばあった。こうした質問に答えられないと、「日本人なのに知らないのか?」というリアクションをされるため、アメリカにいながらも日本の現状について知っておかなければならないと感じていた。この時期はまだネットがあったものの、現在ほど情報が整備されていなかったため、情報収集は今よりも難しかった。






In the fall of 1996, as usual, I stopped by the main building of my dorm, had a meal in the cafeteria, and was about to leave quickly. Suddenly, a guy I didn’t know very well approached me and asked, “Are you Japanese? Do you know Ghost in the Shell?” When I said I didn’t, he responded, “You don’t know it? It’s a Japanese movie.” I wasn’t sure what it was, so I looked it up online and found out it was the English title for the anime film Ghost in the Shell (Japanese Word). I immediately went to a local rental video store that specialized in independent and foreign films and rented Ghost in the Shell. I liked Japanese anime, but while staying in the U.S., I had lost touch with it quite a bit.


That summer, during the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC), an accident occurred where the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer Yūgiri accidentally shot down an A-6 attack aircraft from the U.S. Navy’s aircraft carrier Independence. Since I wasn’t in Japan at the time, I didn’t know how big of a news story it was there, but it was reported quite heavily in the U.S. Chris and others joked around, saying things like, “Watch your back.”


What I’m trying to say is that whenever the Americans had questions or complaints about Japan, they would always come to us Japanese exchange students first. I mean, couldn’t they just contact the consulate or the embassy? But instead, they’d ask us all sorts of things, and it was quite a hassle. As a result, we were naturally placed in the role of “unofficial ambassadors.” Yet, despite this, we never received any gratitude or compensation from the Japanese government. It felt unfair, and I suspect other international students from different countries probably had similar experiences.


I didn’t just start feeling this way that year; I had been feeling this since I first started my college life at ISU. For example, it was common for random people on the street to suddenly ask, “Where are you from?” When I’d answer “Japan,” they’d often follow up with, “Do you know [so-and-so]?” If they were asking about someone on campus, I might know the person, but more often, I didn’t. Sometimes they’d bring up historical figures from Japan, and I’d wonder why I had to answer such quiz-like questions on the street. If I couldn’t answer, I’d get reactions like, “How can you not know that? Aren’t you Japanese?” So, like with Ghost in the Shell, I felt the need to stay informed about current events in Japan, even while living in the U.S. At that time, although the internet existed, the amount of information available wasn’t as organized as it is today, making it more difficult to stay up-to-date.


Jose and T-bone also had a strong influence on me. They proudly represented their ethnic backgrounds, displaying it naturally. In their rooms, they each had their respective flags—Jose had the flag of the Philippines, and T-bone had the flag of Mexico. Seeing that made me want to display the Japanese flag, but it was surprisingly hard to find a Hinomaru flag, so I ended up getting a Nisshōki (the military ensign). I had no choice but to hang that, though people from China and Korea didn’t seem too pleased with it. I had no intention of promoting nationalism, but I also didn’t think it was right to shy away from or feel embarrassed about my background. It wasn’t a simple issue, but I wanted to spend the remainder of my time in the U.S. with pride in being Japanese.


To be continued.







【Ch.54 Parties like no other】パーティを通じて様々な体験をする


(English below)
















Many houses in the United States had basements. In Indiana, especially, where tornadoes frequently occur, many homes had basements that doubled as shelters. Among college students, these basements were often used for parties. They would buy kegs of beer from liquor stores, charge a few dollars at the entrance, and turn their homes into impromptu party venues. While live bands would often play, DJs spinning hip-hop and techno music became more common during this time.


It seemed that Jose and T-bone had been hosting such parties for a while, and T-bone would prepare everything, including making flyers to announce the events. I would help out by carrying records or working the reception at the entrance. Since there weren’t many bars or clubs in Bloomington that played good music, these parties would get quite lively. Sometimes they got so loud that the police were called, and the parties would end when officers arrived. I thought it would have been great if there were more bars or clubs, but expecting that from such a small rural town was asking for too much.


They were sometimes asked to DJ for parties outside, and I would tag along with Jose and T-bone. On a smaller scale, they DJed for a young Black boy’s birthday party once. Since it was a house party, it mostly just involved playing music. We were told not to play any gangsta rap, but I mistakenly played a Snoop Dogg track and got reprimanded. There were tons of spare ribs at the party, and they encouraged us to eat. I didn’t even know how to eat them properly and tried my best to use a fork until someone laughed and told me, “You’re supposed to eat them with your hands.”


At larger events, they were invited to DJ at a party at an all-Black college in northern Indiana. I was surprised to learn that such a college even existed. The event took place in a hall on the university grounds. I didn’t have much to do, so I drank beer and soaked in the atmosphere. The party got pretty lively, or at least I thought it did, but since the hall was so dark, I couldn’t really tell how many people were there. At one point, a woman fell and twisted her ankle, which led to the DJ playing more mellow music for the rest of the night.


Afterward, the party organizers thanked us as we left the university. It made me realize that there were still many places I didn’t know about, even just in Indiana. On the way back, I was sitting in the backseat when Jose and T-bone, sitting in the front, began looking behind us. I wondered what was happening, and sure enough, the flashing lights of a police car appeared, signaling us to pull over. This was really bad. We had all been drinking, and there were beer bottles rolling around on the floor. A state trooper approached the driver’s side and began speaking with Jose. He said he pulled us over because the car was swerving. Jose explained that he had been fumbling with a cassette tape, which had caused him to lose control momentarily. I had seen him doing that myself. The officer didn’t seem convinced and mentioned that the car smelled like alcohol. The situation was dire—if we were all pulled out of the car and given tickets, it would be really bad. Though getting into a fight might be worse and lead to deportation, this kind of trouble was something I wanted to avoid at all costs. So, I decided to take a chance. I told the officer, “Officer, I’m the one who’s been drinking. They’re just giving me a ride home.” The atmosphere froze for a second, but the officer asked to see my driver’s license. I handed it to him and explained, “I’m an international student at IU.” At the time, I had noticed that the police tended to avoid dealing with international students or foreigners for minor offenses like this, probably because the paperwork was more complicated. After checking my license, the officer handed it back and warned, “I’ll let you guys go this time, but don’t let it happen again,” before driving off. Jose and T-bone simply said, “That was lucky,” but I felt that my quick thinking had helped. They didn’t seem to care much, though.


In America, many people drive after having just two or three beers, so if the police arrested everyone for DUI, they’d be overwhelmed. Even if I hadn’t spoken up, we might have been let off anyway. But unlike before, I didn’t want to just sit back and watch things unfold anymore. By this point, I had started feeling that I needed to look out for myself.


To be continued.


