Eigemann Daily Blog

現在は90年代に自分が米国留学した体験記を書いています。I am currently writing a memoir about my experiences of studying abroad in the U.S. in the 1990s.

【Ch.5 Divide and conquer】本を読み切る力をつけるために本を薄切りする


(English below)




最初は、雑多にさまざまな本を読み漁りました。たとえば、TIME誌や短編小説集、Japan Timesなどです。内容を完全に理解できなくても、とにかく読み続けるようにしました。分からない単語が出てきたら飛ばして、覚えていたら前に紹介したように英和辞典で調べてマークを付けました。













When studying abroad in the U.S., one unavoidable task is reading English books. It’s not just about reading; you must understand the content, or you’ll struggle to keep up with the classes. Addressing this issue was necessary from the early stages of preparing for studying abroad.


At first, I read various books indiscriminately. For example, TIME magazine, short story collections, and the Japan Times. Even if I didn’t fully understand the content, I made sure to keep reading. When I encountered words I didn’t know, I skipped them, and if I remembered, I checked them in an English-Japanese dictionary as I mentioned earlier and marked them.


For short newspaper articles, this method worked to some extent. However, when it came to reading actual American novels from cover to cover, which often have hundreds of pages—and in the case of major works, over a thousand pages—it was difficult to maintain the stamina to finish them. They were so long that I often lost track of the story halfway through, leaving me completely confused.


To solve this problem, I bought "paperbacks," which are books with soft spines, from a bookstore. Then, I would cut the book into smaller sections, about three chapters or a few dozen pages at a time, using a cutter knife. I would then read these small booklets little by little.


You might think that dividing the book doesn’t change the fact that you’re still reading hundreds of pages, but in reality, having fewer pages significantly reduced my resistance to reading. For me, there was a considerable difference in the mental burden between reading a thick book continuously and reading small booklets of a few dozen pages at a time.


I don’t believe this method is effective for everyone, but when I managed to finish reading a major title of around a thousand pages using this technique, I gained considerable confidence in my ability to read English books. Even after entering college, I often had to read long texts, so I was really glad that I had built up my reading skills.


To be continued.


