Eigemann Daily Blog

現在は90年代に自分が米国留学した体験記を書いています。I am currently writing a memoir about my experiences of studying abroad in the U.S. in the 1990s.

【Ch.26 Another summer in the quads】テレホートでの2度目の夏


(English below)


Indiana State Universityでの1年目を終え、1992年の夏がTerre Hauteに訪れた。日本に一時帰国する選択肢もあったが、この夏もサマーセッションを受講することにした。寮は1年間過ごした寮から、再び4人部屋の寮に移動させられた。夏の間も開いているのはこの寮だけだった。


同室のメンバーはランダムに選ばれたが、なかなか興味深い人たちだった。まず、インディアナポリス出身のBillは、赤毛でそばかすが特徴的な学生だった。彼は航空学科の専攻で、飛行機についてさまざまなことを教えてくれた。もう一人は香港出身のMartin。彼も自分と同じ留学生だが、香港出身ということもあり英語は流暢だった。しかも、MartinはIndiana State Universityの学生ではなく、インディアナ州内の別の都市にあるPurdue大学の学生で、夏の間だけISUで授業を受けに来ていた。もう一人のルームメイトはほとんど部屋におらず、素性がよくわからないままだった。この4人で、1992年の夏の寮の部屋をルームシェアした。


Billは典型的なインディアナ出身という感じの男だったが、とても面倒見がよかった。彼はホンダのCivicに乗っていて、後にこの車で運転免許を取るための練習にも付き合ってくれた。また航空学科専攻のため、授業の一環として一定の飛行時間が必要だったらしく、自分も同行して地元の空港(自分がAmerican Eagleのプロペラ機で到着した空港とは別)に行き、セスナ機でインディアナポリス空港までの飛行練習に付き合ったこともあった。空からの景色は素晴らしかったが、正直なところプロペラ機には二度と乗るまいと思った。それでも、Billのおかげで夏の寮生活は非常に楽しいものになった。




この二人とは親しくなり、夏の間は授業がない時間を一緒に過ごすことが多かった。日本人以外でここまで親しくなったのは、Terre Hauteに来てから初めてだったと思う。彼らは、インディアナや学校について、他の日本人学生からは得られないような情報を教えてくれた。短い期間だったが、とても楽しい夏になった(Billとは夏の以降も付き合いがあったが、次第に疎遠になった)。




After finishing my first year at Indiana State University, the summer of 1992 arrived in Terre Haute. Although I had the option to return to Japan for a short break, I decided to take summer courses again. I was moved from the dormitory where I had spent the previous year to a different four-person room. This was the only dorm open during the summer.


The roommates were assigned randomly, but they turned out to be quite interesting people. First, there was Bill from Indianapolis, a red-haired student with prominent freckles. He was an aviation major and taught me various things about airplanes. Another roommate was Martin, who was from Hong Kong. Like me, he was an international student, but his English was fluent due to his background. Interestingly, Martin wasn’t a student at Indiana State University; he attended Purdue University in another city in Indiana and was only taking classes at ISU during the summer. The fourth roommate was barely around, so I never really got to know him. The four of us shared the room during the summer of 1992.


Bill was the typical Indiana guy, but he was incredibly helpful. He drove a Honda Civic, and later he even helped me practice driving with that car so I could get my driver’s license. Since he was an aviation major, he needed to log flight hours as part of his coursework. I accompanied him to the local airport—not the same one where I had arrived on an American Eagle propeller plane—and joined him for a flight training session in a Cessna to Indianapolis Airport. The view from the air was great, but to be honest, I vowed never to fly in a propeller plane again. Nonetheless, Bill made the summer dorm experience very enjoyable.


Martin, on the other hand, was a very quiet Chinese guy. He normally attended Purdue University but stayed at ISU during the summer to take a physics class. I was surprised at how flexible U.S. universities were in terms of course registration and credit transfers, which eventually inspired me to consider changing schools myself. Martin was majoring in computer engineering, and his career path seemed clear—either as an engineer or a consultant. Purdue University is known for its strong engineering programs, so he had a solid plan for the future. Since we were both Asian and we had similar tastes in food, we hanged out a lot.  Martin didn’t have a car either, so we usually relied on Bill for transportation.


Becoming friends with them made that summer particularly enjoyable, as we spent most of our free time together. It was the first time I had formed such close relationships with non-Japanese people since coming to Terre Haute, and they provided me with valuable insights about Indiana and the universities that I wouldn’t have gotten from other Japanese students. Though our time together was short, it was an unforgettable summer (Bill and I stayed in touch after the summer, but we eventually grew distant).


To be continued.


