Eigemann Daily Blog

現在は90年代に自分が米国留学した体験記を書いています。I am currently writing a memoir about my experiences of studying abroad in the U.S. in the 1990s.

【Ch.17 Clear and present danger】フィラデルフィアの1991年当時の治安


(English below)



West Philadelphia Collaborative History - An Era of Drug Destruction: From Heroin to Crack Cocaine

"Crack cocaine reached epidemic proportions in Philadelphia between 1989 and 1991, a period that saw some 500 dealers indicted by federal, state, and local authorities."




ダウンタウンは非常に汚く、 歩いているとゴミを蹴りながら進むほどゴミが散乱していた。通りには、ホームレスかドラッグ中毒者か、あるいはその両方のような人々がフラフラと歩いていて、関わらないようにしていた。車でダウンタウンの街を移動すると、まるで戦争でもあったかのように燃え落ちた家が並ぶ地域があり、後に知ったことだが、火災保険の不正受給を目的に自ら放火する人々が多いのだという。




スクール主催のパーティーは、 その時期には定期的に開催され、皆が楽しみにしていたイベントだった。あるパーティーの翌日、スクールに行くと何やらみんながざわついていた。クラスで人気のブラジル人の女の子が泣いていた。彼女に直接聞ける雰囲気ではなかったので、他の人に事情を尋ねると、昨晩、パーティーからの帰りに彼女が銃を突きつけられ、財布を奪われたとのことだった。


拳銃強盗? あの大人しそうな小柄な女の子に?しかもこの学校のエリアで?聞いているこちらも混乱してしまった。彼女にかける言葉も思いつかず、彼女のメンタルケアは同郷のブラジル人留学生たちに任せた。結局、彼女はその後まもなくスクールを辞めて帰国してしまった。自分が同じ立場なら、そんな事件が起きた場所に住み続けようとは思わなかっただろう。









Around 1991, the security situation in Philadelphia had reached its worst level. The following article described the state of affairs:

West Philadelphia Collaborative History - An Era of Drug Destruction: From Heroin to Crack Cocaine

"Crack cocaine reached epidemic proportions in Philadelphia between 1989 and 1991, a period that saw some 500 dealers indicted by federal, state, and local authorities."


Although our living area was primarily on the school campus and its surrounding areas, meaning we weren’t directly affected, there were places even near the campus that the locals advised us to avoid.


Downtown Philadelphia was extremely dirty; walking through the streets felt like kicking garbage with every step. Homeless people, drug addicts, or those who appeared to be both, wandered the streets, and I made sure to keep my distance. When traveling downtown by car, there were entire neighborhoods filled with burnt-out houses, as though a war had taken place. Later, I learned that many of these homes had been deliberately set on fire to fraudulently claim fire insurance.


Despite all this, the area we lived in was considered relatively safe, and everyone, including myself, was quite complacent, even wandering around at night. That was, until one of my classmates became a victim of crime.


At that time, the school-hosted parties had become a regular event, and everyone looked forward to them. However, the day after one such party, I arrived at school to find a commotion. A popular Brazilian girl in our class was crying. It didn’t feel appropriate to ask her directly what had happened, so I inquired with someone else. They told me that, on her way home from the party the previous night, she had been held at gunpoint and robbed of her wallet.


A gunpoint robbery? To that quiet, petite girl? In the area around our school? I was shocked and confused. I couldn’t think of any comforting words, so I left her emotional support to her fellow Brazilian students. Not long after, she dropped out of school and returned home. If something like that had happened to me, I don’t think I could have stayed in that city either.


Since that day, I became far more vigilant about my personal safety. Fortunately, I never experienced a robbery during my time abroad, though there were other unlucky Japanese students who did. I came to realize that, in order to successfully complete a college study abroad program, it wasn’t just academic effort that mattered—you also needed to avoid becoming entangled in dangerous situations like that.


To be continued.


