Eigemann Daily Blog

現在は90年代に自分が米国留学した体験記を書いています。I am currently writing a memoir about my experiences of studying abroad in the U.S. in the 1990s.

【Ch.20 Midwestern exposure】インディアナ州テレホートでの生活を始める


(English below)


1991年当時のTerre Hauteは、どこか寂れた印象の街だった。キャンパスはかなり広かったが、起伏がなく、ただ広い平地に建物がぽつぽつと点在しているような感じで、お世辞にも美しいキャンパスとは言えなかった。2024年になってGoogle Mapで見直してみると、さすがに改装が進んでおり、当時とは全く異なる、ずいぶんと整ったキャンパスに変わっていた。


通常、大学キャンパスの周りには学生向けのお店が並んでいるものだが、Indiana State Universityの周辺はとても閑散としていた。唯一、キャンパス近くにスーパーのような店があったので、引っ越し後に必要な生活用品を買いに行ってみたが、品揃えが悪くてがっかりした。周辺の建物も非常に古く、いつ建てられたのだろうかと思うほどで、まるで70年代から時が止まってしまったかのように感じられた。


当時はまだ「モール文化」の時代だったため、個人商店は少なく、大手の商店はほとんどモール内にあった。皆、買い物や余暇を過ごすためにモールに行っていた。最近では、全米でモールが廃れてきていると聞くが、Terre Hauteでも同じことが起こっているのかはわからない。とにかく、しっかりした買い物をしたいなら、モールまで行く必要があったが、それはキャンパスから車で20分ほどの距離だった。徒歩で行ける距離ではなく、車を持っていない留学生にとっては、これは死活問題だった。








In 1991, Terre Haute gave off the impression of a somewhat run-down town. The campus was quite large but flat, with buildings sparsely scattered across a wide, level area. It was hard to call it a beautiful campus by any means. When I looked it up again in 2024 on Google Maps, it had obviously undergone significant renovations and had transformed into a much more well-maintained campus, vastly different from what it was back then.


Usually, around a university campus, there are plenty of shops catering to students, but the area around Indiana State University was rather desolate. There was only one store that resembled a supermarket near the campus, so after moving in, I went there to buy some necessary household items, but I was disappointed by the poor selection of goods. The surrounding buildings were also extremely old, making me wonder when they had been constructed, and the whole place felt as though time had stopped in the 1970s.


Back then, it was still the era of mall culture, so there were few small shops, and most of the big retail stores were located inside the mall. Everyone would go to the mall to shop or spend their leisure time. I've heard that malls across the U.S. have since declined, but I’m not sure if that has also happened in Terre Haute. In any case, if you wanted to do any proper shopping, you had to go to the mall, which was about a 20-minute drive from campus. It was not a walking distance, and for international students without cars, this was a serious problem.


The only fast-food place near the campus, Herdee's, was within walking distance for international students, so it naturally became a hangout spot for international students. I had never heard of the food chain when I was in Philadelphia, but apparently, it was common in the South and Midwest. I didn't learn until much later that chain restaurants vary by region within the U.S. Our only options for late-night food were pizza delivery or this Herdee's, and to be honest, I got pretty sick of eating there as often as I did.


From the summer I arrived, I was already anxious about whether I could adapt to this town and whether I could handle student life here. However, the fall semester hadn't officially started yet, and the campus was still fairly quiet until more students returned. Most importantly, I felt a mix of anxiety and anticipation about whether I could take classes in English and earn credits as expected.


To be continued.


