Eigemann Daily Blog

現在は90年代に自分が米国留学した体験記を書いています。I am currently writing a memoir about my experiences of studying abroad in the U.S. in the 1990s.

【Ch.44 Shredding dude】学生時代にはスケボーとスノボに打ち込みました


(English below)






大学に戻ると、Collins寮の学生が中古のスノーボードを売っていると聞き、少し長めのボードだったが購入した。インディアナには山らしい山はなかったが、Paoli Peaksというスキー場が学校から車で1時間ほどの場所にあった。購入したボードを試しに行ってみると、そこは山というよりも丘のようなスキー場で、日本人だと山と言われるとやっぱりある程度の高さを想像してしまう。スキー場の高さは100メートル強しかなく、滑り降りるのに何分もかからなかった。それでもインディアナでアクセスの良い場所だったので、このスキー場には頻繁に通うようになった。










In 1995, I continued skateboarding, mostly by myself, but my motivation never waned. However, in winter, the snow was heavy, and I could only skate in the corners of multi-story parking lots, where campus police would occasionally patrol and scold me.


At that time, snowboarding was becoming more popular than skiing. When I returned to Japan for summer vacation, I had the chance to try snowboarding at a local artificial grass ski slope, and I found it surprisingly easy. Given how much time I'd spent skateboarding, this was expected. Despite not being able to ski at all, snowboarding felt quite natural to me.


Back at IU, I heard that someone from Collins Hall was selling a used snowboard, so I bought it, even though it was a bit longer than I would have liked. There were no real mountains in Indiana, but there was a ski resort called Paoli Peaks about an hour's drive from the school. Eager to try out my new board, I went there only to find that it was more of a hill than a mountain. As a Japanese, when I think of a mountain, I expect a certain height, but this ski resort was only about 100 meters tall. It took just a few minutes to reach the bottom. Still, since it was one of the most accessible places to snowboard in Indiana, I ended up going there regularly.


I wasn’t fond of going with groups, so I mostly went snowboarding alone. Being by myself allowed me to enjoy the slopes more freely and comfortably. The problem came when I got injured. I broke bones twice at this ski resort—once my wrist and the second time my ring finger. These were my first broken bones ever. Both times, the ski patrol strapped me onto a snowmobile and brought me up to the lodge, which felt a bit over-the-top since my legs were fine. The real challenge came when I had to drive back to school with a broken arm, which made me realize the downside of going alone.


The treatment process was also tough. The orthopedic clinic was far from campus, and there was no general hospital nearby. I had to go frequently, and renting a car each time was too expensive, so I borrowed a car from a friend in the dorm to get to the hospital. When I had surgery to reset the bone, I was given anesthesia, so I couldn’t drive back. As I was wondering how to return to campus, the hospital called the campus police for me. That’s how I ended up riding in the back of a police car to my dorm. That was the first and only time I’ve ever been in a police car.


Despite these painful experiences, I had no intention of giving up snowboarding or skateboarding. Especially with snowboarding, I had a goal of riding the slopes in Colorado. I had memories of going there for skiing and not having much fun, but the ski resorts themselves were top-notch and incomparable to those in Indiana. I wanted to snowboard at those resorts


To be continued.


